Why Did I Ask Myself 55 Questions? 🤔

Exploring Self-Reflection, Curiosity, and Discovery


3 min read

Why Did I Ask Myself 55 Questions? 🤔

Let's start this article with few powerful quotes:

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."–Aristotle

"The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself, you will always be someone else. Become yourself."–Myles Munroe


Before starting off my semester-end exam, I decided to begin reading two books: Psychology of Money and 55 Questions to Ask Yourself. I thought of starting with 55 Questions before delving into Psychology of Money. Before I began reading this book, I bought a diary to write down answers to the questions posed within it.

But why answer these questions? you might ask. Well, before understanding the world, understanding oneself is crucial. I wanted to explore my strengths, weaknesses, and figure out ways to improve. I've been feeling guilty about wasting time day in and day out, so I resolved to decode myself first. I aimed to give a fresh start to my academics and other practical work that I enjoy.

So, why should you read this book? It's less than 50 pages, but I found its concept intriguing. I'm writing this book in my own way—answering these questions feels like crafting my personalized copy. Each reader will have their unique interpretation and their very own copy by the book's end. This book will provide you with your own diary, defining who you are, what you are, and how you can improve. It's a tool for personal growth.

In this article, I'll discuss one chapter from the book that can significantly impact your professional or academic life. Whether you're a student or pursuing a career, this chapter can offer invaluable insights. So, without further delay, let's begin exploring that chapter.


The chapter I'm exploring is the fifth one, titled ACTION QUESTIONS. In this chapter, you'll find a set of questions crucial for personal growth. I highly recommend having a pen and paper ready to write down your answers.

Here's the list of questions:

  1. What do I want to achieve in 6 months?

  2. What do I want to achieve in 3 months?

  3. What do I want to achieve in 1 month?

  4. What do I want to achieve this week?

  5. What are the resources I need to stay on track?

  6. What would prevent me from taking action, and how do I plan to deal with it?

There is always a situation in our lives where we feel stuck, juggling multiple interests or desires but unable to make progress. For instance, I have a desire to explore various domains in my college life: Android development, full-stack Python development, machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence. However, despite this desire, I find myself not taking any concrete steps. I start something but then struggle to continue, although the yearning to do it persists within me. This situation can be tackled effectively with proper planning and clear goals. These questions not only aid in problem-solving but also lead to a documented plan.


How to approach answering these questions:

Start by eliminating distractions like smartphones, laptops, or any other device. Sit alone in a room or library where silence reigns. Delve deep into your thoughts; the deeper you go in your answers, the clearer your path becomes. Review your answers to ensure absolute clarity. Eventually, you'll have all the answers you seek, and this process will help you overcome the situation that has kept you stuck for days. I hope you find this article beneficial.


Here is the YouTube video which can help you to explore more on this book.